
03 May 2005


The tasklist keeps getting bigger and bigger. I just don't know why. Either players are getting whinier or there are just more nations. I'm thinking it's a combination of both.

In the old days, we'd be able to finish the tasklist easily because not many people used it. I'm not sure if there's been more reliance on moderators or if people have just been made more aware of the Getting Help page. But it just seems to be getting exponential, more so every day. No sooner have I polished off the previous day's tasks I find we've got twice as many taking their place.

I've had a great deal more free time than the others so I've been carrying a fair brunt of the work, but the next month will be very, VERY busy for me so I shudder to think what things will be like when I return.

So until June, could we have less rule-breaking please?!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Sirocco, you legend.

I've been searching for NS-related blogs for ages, and just found your post on the forums, AND immediately added you as a link on my blog.

Lifesaver. Anyhoo.

Unfortunately my blog isn't totally NS-related, but my nation does have a link there, and I mention NS periodically.

Great blog - keep up the good work!

King Siroc said...

Cheers! Good to know someone's been reading!