
06 May 2005

The Swastika Debate

In NationStates, it is against the rules to have a swastika flag. This was decided by [violet] (or was it Max Barry? I forget) after several complaints were recieved by users who were upset. This is because, as we should all know, the swastika was the symbol that was adopted by the Nazis during World War II. The swastika has become synonymous with the brutal, horrendous deaths of millions of people from nations all over the world.

This has become quite a divisive controversy in NationStates, since many don't see why they shouldn't use the swastika. After all, it's an ancient Hindu symbol of good luck isn't it? And what about the hammer and sickle? Shouldn't they be banned too?

The thing is that yes, maybe once a long while ago the swastika was a symbol of good luck, and I imagine still is in some parts of the world. But it just isn't true anymore. The ideas connotated with images evolve and change over the years. Take the crucifix: once upon a time this was an instrument of torture and a slow painful death. Nowadays it is the symbol of Christianity which is a religion (mostly) based on love and compassion. The tick certainly wasn't always the depiction of trainers of dubious origins. So even if you genuinely do want to use the swastika as a symbol of good luck (which I would find very hard to believe, personally. There's thousands of good luck symbols, why pick the swastika?) then it's still disallowed.

As for the hammer and sickle, we don't get hundreds of complaints about people using them. In fact, I don't believe we've even had one. So I can't see that being banned any time in the future.

So next time you want a flag which exemplifies the good fortuity of your people, have a look at the four-leaved clover, eh?

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