
07 May 2005

The Siroc & Newsted Saga

This contain spoilers about The Siroc & Newsted Saga. You have been warned.

I'm not exactly a roleplayer mod. My first few attempts at creating roleplay threads were unsuccessful and largely ignored. The only one that has had any continuity is The Siroc & Newsted Saga, a roleplay thread that is quite unlike most others. It started when a friend of mine (NuMetal) and I declared war on each other in a thread by The SLAGLANDS all the way back in 2003. The premise was that here were two national leaders (King Siroc and President Newsted) who had met in the 'Chamber of Peace', later to be confirmed as being in Sirocco, to engage in diplomacy.

At least that's how it started out.

It soon became really silly, as I sent my hordes of flightless hippos soaring (yes, they can fly) over to NuMetal to destroy his Great Fork which had made his citizens immune to death (that most degenerative of maladies) whereupon he revealed that he had a back-up! The Great Spoon, hidden underground. I replied that flightless hippos could bury. He fired hippo food to make them too fat to fly. I sent anorexic hippos. He covered his Great Spoon in trampolines. And so it continued, in the same vein. With fish-fighting, a type of battle invented by myself and Dregruk.

But then the RP took into the more prosaic form that long-time readers (if there are any) will know and love. This evolved soon after Newsted and Siroc fled the Chamber of Peace to escape gangsters (I know, I know...) and got incredibly lost.

The story since then has been of the two rulers fighting together (and sometimes apart as misfortune often prevails - at one point Siroc and Newsted are rding on the back of a dragon which promptly roasted Newsted sending him hundreds of feet below into a lake!) to get back to Sirocco and stop the war which has been presumably still going on since they left. They are not very good at this. The two rulers have been on an adventurous sprawl throughout the NS World, taking the idea that all these regions really do exist on the same planet and really are like what their descriptions say they're like. So far, they've been in these places (I may have missed some out, my memory is not perfect):

The regions of Hell, Heaven, Lazarus (in the nation of Testlandia), The Rejected Realms (in the probably dead nation of Military Police), The Pacific, Francos Spain, NuMetal (where they discovered that Newsted's power had been usurped in his absence), SPACE, and, where they currently are, the region of Venus. These places aren't in order of arrival, as I can't quite remember what that order is!

Probably uniquely amongst the many RPs of NationStates, The Siroc & Newsted Saga is about two rulers trying to stop a war and not fight one, They are both pretty thick, when confronted with danger their first instinct is to run, and their control over their nations are either tenuous at best or non-existent.

It's being getting more difficult to add to it, though, as we both are extremely busy people (you may notice that the writing style is often hurried and clumsy as are these blogs!), but when we can post, we do. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as Siroc and Newsted hate enduring it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A nice story. It reminds me of Gulliver's travels by Jonathan Swift :)

Keep it up.