
25 February 2006

Where In The World...

You may have noticed that there's a map in my blog's sidebar. It's a kind of counter that shows where the regular visitors of my blog hail from in the world. It's pretty cool to see just how widespread my readership is. I noticed it in a blog called Binnsy's Hovel and, since I'm a bit of a magpie when it concerns odd gimmicky things like these, I got myself one.

You can get one for your blog/website too at www.clustrmaps.com

24 February 2006

Colourful Ideas

I'm happy to say that our admins have finished some new features for NationStates, and I have been given permission to share some of them with you. Others, as Pythagosaurus said, "are things the players shouldn't be told about". I can't say when these new additions will be coded into the game, because it hasn't been decided yet. If it has, then only SalusaSecondus knows when.

The features:

Colourful Words

This code will allow players to use colours and text decoration in RMB posts and telegrams.

Special Password Release

This code prevent regions with no founder or delegate from having a password.

New UN Rankings

I've already mentioned these in a previous post.

Very exciting for everyone I'm sure. There's also some news regarding the codifying of the invasion rules which is proceeding at a good pace, but boy is it complicated. There's more brackets and numbers than I've ever cared to see in one place at one time. I even saw a square root in there somewhere. Cheers to Sal and Pyth for giving this their best efforts though! This is a very important project of ours, if not the most important.

23 February 2006

NationStates Census

I've been rather ill this last week or so, so I've not been able to blog much. Anyway. News round-up:

I got the new batch of issues, stretching from the 31st of May right up to the 13th of February 2006. One of those naughty admins installed the new issues batch without telling me (I'm certain it was Sal). It'll take a while to plough through them, but I'm a patient man. Oh, yes.

By the look of Max Barry's latest blog, he's gone to Heaven early. The fact that he's still alive can only be considered a boon. Coincidentally there has been much discussion over NationStates' future if Max Barry did suddenly expire. How incredibly morbid.

Note that intriguing part of the blog where Max says that some progress is underway in regards to the much-awaited NationStates 2...

There's proposals for a new 'feature region' feature which has garnered quite a bit of interest from our admins. We may even use it!

SalusaSecondus has generated some interesting NationStates statistics (such as the total world population) that you may like to look at:


Here's some other interesting stats of his about regions:

A few useful stats about regions (as of early this month):

Total Regions: 14375
Average Size: 8.2

Min: 1
First Quartile: 1
Median Size: 2.5
Third Quartile: 5.5
Max: 7300

Or, more specifically:
Size: Count
1: 5656
2: 2495
3: 1480
4: 953
5: 701
6: 529
7: 366
8: 294
9: 234
10-19: 975
20+: 625

My region, Lancre, has about 40 nations. I feel quite privileged to have their support when so many regions fail to get more than one member!

12 February 2006

Issue #195 Is In The Game

Yep. And this is a special one: written by SalusaSecondus himself! But don't get too excited - it's not an Easter Egg. Just a regular one. Just five more issues 'til the big 200. Fantasticus.

10 February 2006

Tanks A Lot!

Modshort #8

This time starring our very own GMC Military Arms.

In other news, I'd like to highlight an interesting NS-related website which lists the ten most populous regions in NationStates, among other things. Fascinatin' read, and well done to Safalra for creating it.


08 February 2006

Of Thousands And Snazz

The number of Getting Help page requests passed fifty thousand on the 1st of February this year. That's fifty thousand since we got our first task on the 8th of May, 2003. Pretty snazzy.

Oh, and my blog's visitor-count has topped 3000. That's also pretty snazzy.

The new UN proposal categories have been changed a bit to make them even better, which is also of a most snazzy nature.

Oh, and I just put a new issue into the game. Snazziness reigns on high!

07 February 2006

I've Got Company

Yep, I've got the book, which is pretty snazzy 'cos it's not out in Britain yet. How did this happen? Well, let me take you on a little adventure...

... To my sitting room. Where it all begins. Oh, yes. I discover, much to my surprise, that there is a package for me. I am further surprised when I find that it's addressed to 'Sirocco'. Who could know my secret crime-fighting alter-ego? Then realisation dawns, as I recall the boss mentioning this around Christmas time. I open the package (bearing not only its Australian stamps which only add to the experience, but the scrawl of a Mrs Jennifer Barry in the sender's signature box. Maybe I can sell it on eBay. But then maybe that'd be a wee bit irresponsible 'cos it has my address on it, and Max's address on the back too. Ach well.) and out plops my own copy of Company! Fantasticus! My dad's a second-hand book seller, so it's in my blood to be really pleased about having a signed first edition. The inscription reads thus: 'For the tireless Sirocco - Thanks for keeping NationStates ticking over. You do an awesome job! Max Barry'. I can now partially understand why people get his name wrong so often. His signature really does look like 'Max Berry'.

Anyway, I shall enjoy reading it, and I'm not going to give away anything on this 'ere blog. If you wanna know what happens, buy the book!

05 February 2006

Six Billions

Recently, Sirocco passed the much-respected (-feared?) figure of 6000000000 citizens. They're breeding like rabbits, it's crazy. But anyway, some catch-up on the local gossip:

First of all, I'm glad to say that we (the mods) have all been contributing towards ideas for new UN proposal categories so that you can all change the world in new and wonderful ways. I've edited them down to the necessities, and so far everyone seems pretty happy with them. I just need a nod from one of the admins, and enough of their spare time for them to put 'em in. Unless we come up with more ideas or someone raises an objection. We're very democratic, and as a result we quarrel a lot, but I guess it can't be helped.

I've also had enough spare time to begin editing a new issue. Once I've edited it and the one after it we can finally go onto a new batch.

More Cartography

Another bunch of computer programs to aid you in your search for the perfect map for your nation, courtesy of Tsaraine:


The previous article on map-making can be found here.