
26 April 2007

TJ Hairball And Euroslavia Retire

It's a great shame, but two more have left the fold for the big wide world of things that may not have the slightest thing to do with NationStates. I wish them all the best in their lives which will presumably be all the richer now they're not having to clean up after the mess of some nutter with a computer hundreds of miles away.

Here's a link to the official retirement thread by [violet]: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=525094

25 April 2007

Meeting The Freethinkers

Last Saturday I had the good fortune to meet a NationStates player (The Freethinkers) for the first time. It was an unusual experience meeting someone who knew what NationStates is, let alone actually play it.

We arranged to meet at a pub called the Bobbin where we discussed NationStates, paintball, our uni subjects, being hit in the groin by paintball pellets, daily issues, concussion brought on by paintball, football, and Aberdeen University's paintball society. I did become aware of an underlying trend throughout the conversation but it was fascinating anyway.


Top: My edition of Company was sent to me by Max Barry.
Middle: The Freethinkers and myself.
Above: The Freethinkers
Below: I only just discovered this. I'm not sure exactly what it is but it's certainly, um... inspired.

Why does it have no legs?

21 April 2007

Black Hole

This is a rather cool picture I took of a rip in the universe opening over Crail.

I have good news! The latest batch of issues, which went up to the 18th of February 2006, is complete! This means I'll have a lot of new issues to work through when the new one comes through. If you don't want to have to wait until I've got through that one to see yours, though, then I would submit my issue as soon as possible.

15 April 2007

Back To Aberdeen

This is a photo I took of Crail, the village I lived in before I moved to Aberdeen to go to university. I hear it's been promoted to town recently though. That's pretty groovy.

I'm heading back to Aberdeen today as you may have guessed. It's been an enjoyable three weeks living it up in Fife but I can't wait to return to uni. I shan't be able to access IRC while I'm there so if you desperately need to speak to me, send me an e-mail. I'll be back in the summer.

NationStates-wise, I am glad to report that I've just finished the last batch of issues which stretched from October 2005 to February 2006. So you can imagine how big the next one's going to be if the admins choose not to divvy it into pieces. I'll have updates as soon as possible on this.

A UK NationStates meetup is being plotted in the General forum. Click here to have your say.

14 April 2007

The WTF Files

This is a photo I took of my student halls of residence shortly after it was sent to Hell.

In a similar vein, I just discovered an old issue submission from 2003 that I kept because it was so strange. I might as well share it so... enjoy:

Should fish be allowed to walk backwards (or, klaw sdrawkcab)

The Issue: Dalevdor "boing boing ipswich dada yellow" Sali of the monster raving revolving surealist church, says " Hello how are you, doing anything yesterday. Duck!"

Validity: Take internaly twice a day on random thursdays

[option]"Are you mad? I am , driving insane by fish not looking where they are going. They should hop diagonally as everybody shade of purple knows" Says Cardinal Elvis
[effect]People called Norman grow by 2 feet
[stats]Politcal status becomes that of neighbour

[option]This is all very silly just ingore it and it will go away" says John smith
[effect]Country dissapears in a puff of logic
[stats]population drops to zero , enconomy crashes

[option]Agree to everything
[effect]Everyone lives happily ever after
[stats]Economy becomes irrelevant Polictal status becomes perfect
It never made the final cut.

11 April 2007

Cat In A Basket

This is our third, oldest, and fattest cat. His name is Otis.

I noticed a site recently where people of similar interests arrange to meet up, so I of course joined the NationStates section. I've never met another NationStater and I don't really expect to anytime in the near future. Aberdeen isn't exactly a hub of the United Kingdom. Still, got to be optimistic. NationStaters over eighteen years of age can join this site to find others nearby. Check it out...

06 April 2007

Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da

The photo is one I took of the University of Aberdeen where I study.

Not much happening NationStates-wise right now. I'll be heading back to Aberdeen next week to finish my first year so you'll maybe not hear from me for a while.

03 April 2007

NationStates Monopoly

This is our kitten Malibu. And yes. Yes it is a crap name. No I did not choose it.

April Fool's Day went very well. Kudos goes to all the sceptics, and bemused disbelief goes to Kandarin who was so completely suckered he still has hideous weals all over his body. We DID log all regional moderator complaints. We're hoping to release them so that you can all share in its hilarity. The only thing I'm saying is that I never realised how many of our users were guilty of the heinous crime of being 'utterly ghey'.

There is also some rather interesting discussion of aspects of NationStates on a blog by TerraNova. You can read them here, here, and here.

But moving on swiftly I have got to say that I've not always been a big follower of Monopoly but God damn it if this is not every single kind and subspecies of awesome.

I bow down to the collective creativity and genius of Thel DRan, Gasponia, and Erastide for creating this absolutely amazing NS version of everyone's favourite game (that is, until it enters the third hour of playing and you can't feel your bottom anymore).

I'm very flattered that the flightless hippo adorns the 'Issues' cards and also chuffed that Lancre was deemed worthy for inclusion as a place on the board.

... I SO want a copy.