
30 May 2005

I Say, I Say, I Say

To pass the time, I've invented some NationStates jokes to tell your friends whenever you want to get a slow, uncomprehending, blank stare.

1. A nation walks into a bar and orders a soft drink. The barman gives it to him, whereupon the nation downs it one gulp and asks for another. After fifty drinks, the barman is moved to ask "Why are you buying all these soft drinks?" The nation replies "I've got the pop bug."

2. A man is walking along in the Rejected Realms, when suddenly out of the sky falls a man. The man plunges into the ground and gets up, in some considerable pain. The first man helps him up and asks what happened. The other man replied "I'm a UN delegate, and I recently found a genie who would grant me three wishes. Unfortunately, he was a little hard of hearing. My first wish was for a thousand endorsements, but instead all I got was a thousand and four cements which was no fun at all. Then I asked for my UN proposal to achieve quorum, but all it did was achieve forum and get bickered over by the UNers and that was even less fun! I was getting fed up by this point so I decided to ask for something more personal for my third wish, something to please the missus." "What was it?" the first man asks. "Well," says the second man, "do you really think I asked for a big ejection?"

3. Q: Why did the nation cross the mod?

A: To get to The Other Side.


Anonymous said...

Chortle chortle chortle. :S

King Siroc said...

Yes, I know they're crap!