
02 May 2005

Of Delegates And Demons

Well, mostly delegates. Demons come later.

In Lancre, Bestiville, the first new delegate we've had in over six months has arisen from the fiery flames of endorsement-swapping frenzy that has been creeping around recently. I welcome a new delegate because, frankly, the previous one, DTAS LAND, didn't really do much. The role of Delegate is to represent the region in UN matters and I don't think DTAS ever even looked at the UN page. He wasn't a bad delegate. He did write up the Lancre constitution and he was always interested in regional events, but there was always that gape in the UN area. And it did, admittedly, niggle my sensibilites.

But hey! New delegate! The usual way to become UN delegate is through hurried endorsement-swapping which is a skill than it first appears. Why? Because of this general rule which I shall call Sirocco's First Law of Endorsement-Swapping:

It is damned difficult to convince someone to endorse and support only you for delegacy when they and everyone else in the region are attempting the same thing.

When things stabilise, it can take just one endorsement withdrawl or addition to set things off again with slapdash promises of power and involvement - I remember this most particularly from the first region I joined, Switzerland Sucks (don't ask. Just don't.). When I left that region and founded Lancre, I decided that I was going to try something else. My plan went as this:

I would ask everyone to endorse me and emphasise that they did not have to do so as I wanted things to be democratic. This struck a chord and I was very quickly delegate, even though I hadn't endorsed anyone. This continued for a considerable while until moderator duties got so huge that I had to retire and let someone else deal with the incessant requests to approve proposals.

I continue to maintain a neutral stance in Lancre to avoid stepping on anyone's toes.

And what about the demons? Anyone who's been a delegate will know who they are: everyone else!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Demons = Everyone Else.
So true. So true. Keep up the good work Sirocco, i didn't know you lived in Britain.