
31 August 2006

Of Old And New

In a fit of pique I searched for myself on Google and discovered this ancient thread. Reading it now is like some kind of incredible ego-booster. I'd better watch out or my head might come off and float away. Looking at other things, it's still weird to have people I've never heard of talking about issues I've edited, articles I've posted in this blog (which I can't say I ever get any evidence of having a very wide following), and decisions I've made. Only interesting to me, of course, but it does give a small window into NationStates history. If anyone knows of interesting threads and RPs from long ago then e-mail me and I'll stick 'em up.

In other news, I've just about completed the game's two hundredth issue. I want to make it a bit special though, so I've talked to Sal, and he's going to speak to the boss, about introducing something... interesting to this particular one. I hope everyone likes it. I won't know whether the snazzy thing I'm adding will be approved until later though. Keep your eyes out.

27 August 2006

The Spaghetti Incident

Modshort #12!

This short is based on a conversation held between the mods some time ago. Too cool to waste. Here it is, but I recommend watching the short first. Remember to watch it on fast. The lettering got buggered up for some reason but I'm sure you can live with that.

Katganistan: I'm explaining how to make spaghetti sauce in #nationstates_general
K: ;)
Sirocco: Oh dear.
S: This may be before your time, Kat, but we all remember...
K: Does this have to do with the flying spaghetti monster and his noodly appendages?
S: Yes.
K: Pray tell, I never got the full story.
Pythagosaurus: Pastafarian
S: One day the NS Generalites decided to make some spaghetti.
S: They all agreed that spaghetti be made.
S: Spaghetti, they considered, is a good thing.
S: But they could not agree HOW such a venture should be undertaken.
S: Should it be tomatoey or cheesy? Or a blend of both that is equal?
S: Should there be parmesan?
S: The debates raged for months, and many mods lost their lives trying to calm the stormy wrangling that issued forth from that most controversial of forums.
S: But then... one rogue Generalite went and made spaghetti all by himself. A dangerous thing to do. You will mind that this was before these modern ideas of 'too many cooks spoil the broth'.
S: It was disastrous.
S: The Generalite, Pastafarian, as Pythagosaurus reminded us, had created a monster.
S: It swooped down on all and sunder, strangling those in its path with its long noodlous strands of death.
K: Sounds like only one solution....
S: For a long time the forum was nothing but a dark red cave of tomato sauce, oregano and the lingering smell of parmesan which made everyone thoroughly ill.
K: eat it before it eats you!
S: That's exactly right!
S: The call went up and all Italian food aficionados were summoned to bring their forks and inauspiciously spartan white shirts.
K: hehehe
S: Many lost their lives, and the graves still cover a lot of the old General forum archives, but eventually the creature was destroyed.
K: MMMMmmmmm!
K: ;)
S: And so ended the tale of the Spaghetti Incident.
* Sirocco bows.
K: delicious.
K: :)

25 August 2006

Issue #199 Is In The Game

A nice chunky five-optioner. Not really much else I want to say at this point. Enjoy!

Economic Legends Of NationStates

I was having a browse through the forums today when I came across this cool thread by the nation 'Knights of Zion' who decided to interview some of the nations who consistently best the UN rankings. Good read!

In other news, I've been pretty busy preparing for university so I haven't been able to do much, but the next new issue is very nearly completed.

22 August 2006

NationStates On The Small Screen

Well... YouTube, anyway. That site where people upload their own home-made films and such for worldwide perusal, you know? I was just browsing it when I wondered what would happen if I searched for everyone's favourite browser-based game.

The results are scary, hilarious, bizarre, or just downright odd. Feel free to apply all labels liberally where you wish. Here's some examples:

Allanean Propaganda.
ACCEL recruitment video.
Recruitment ad for the Meritocratic Legions.
I'm not sure what this is...
Ad for the Empire of Great Britain and Ireland.
Alpha Omega recruitment video.

I then searched for Max Barry and got two results where we see him talking on one of his book tours.

He appears to be standing on the equator:

Max Barry Vid 1
Max Barry Vid 2

13 August 2006


I got my school results a few days ago, the fruit of exhaustive studying for exams. Here they are:

Advanced Higher Music: A
Advanced Higher Maths: D
Higher Classical Studies: A
Higher Geography: B

Not bad, I reckon. Shame about the maths result. Half of me expected to do better, but the other two thirds knew I had no chance. I'll be going to Aberdeen, the granite city, in due time. If any Aberdonians are reading this do get in touch - it'd be cool to have some friends waiting for me there. It'd be my first time meeting other NationStaters too.

I'm working on a new issue. As of now it has five options. Should be pretty interesting.

05 August 2006

Inbox Of Iniquity

I was reading Max's latest post today, and it got me thinking about the kind of stuff that plagues my inbox. Now I haven't written any books, but I have edited lots of issues and since a link to my nation is provided with each one, many people have happily sent me telegrams on a whole variety of subjects which can be summarised by these queries:

How do you become a moderator?
What is a moderator?
I have been playing for a long time and believe that I would be a good moderator... [etc.]

There are some other things occasionally though. Max Barry notes that he gets fawning e-mails and I get them too sometimes but the majority of those commenting on my issues would not really be happy with anything less than my immediate and brutal suicide.

It kinda makes me feel a little like a Max Barry in minature. He gets e-mails from people wanting to marry his characters and I get telegrams from people who want to murder mine for being so ill-informed/biased/disagreeing/etc. with their own point of view. I would, however, personally be rather suspicious of anyone who wanted to marry a NationStates issue disputant. Weird. But in many ways I'm not like Max. While he may welcome correspondence with an avuncular sense of gaiety I find it most tiresome. Especially when most of the questions I'm being asked could be resolved by a look over the FAQ. Of the others, and the numerous ones that just say 'hi' or 'wassup?' I despair. So many people wanting to correspond with me may at first seem quite gratifying but it makes my brain shrivel in fear and hide in some dank corner of my skull. Crouching behind the top of the spinal column it screeches 'please, no! I can't bear it! TOO MANY!'

Perhaps I'm exaggerating. But I'm building up with residual guilt from ignoring so many telegrams I just don't have time to answer. I'm always willing to help with writing issues and such, but my heart sinks when it sees something like 'You're the only moderator I know so I was wondering...'

Ach well. It appears even quasi-fame has its downfall.

02 August 2006

Back From Greece

I have returned!

The place I went to wasn't Corfu as it turned out but another Greek island called Zakynthos, famous for its turtle nesting grounds.

My first impression of the place was that it was hot. Very hot. Incredibly hot, even. In Scotland, any temperatures above, I dunno, 16 degrees Celsius are thought of as warm, and anything above 20 as uncommonly hot. Temperatures in Greece were in the forties! I have never known such things. England and Belgium were bad enough, I thought, but it was nothing in comparison to Greece. Even at night-time it was as warm as any of Scotland's hottest days. I couldn't help but be very off-put by this. Just like the sinister way the weather never changed... I probably drank enough lemonade to destroy whole orchards. And the sweat! I've never really sweated except when exercising and eating curries, but here I was flowing like a spring just when walking up the street. I felt quite marinated by the end of the holiday.

But I'm back now and do hope to get right stuck into editing issues again as soon as possible.
