
27 March 2009

NationStates Needs YOU

The floodgates are open to suggestions for improvement to NationStates 1. With our newly acquired independence, we've turned our collective hive mind to adding new features to everyone's favourite nation simulator. Some of our ideas are quite ambitious! Everyone interested in throwing in ideas should visit the Technical forum and join the discussion. We've got some quite exciting developments that we've kept secret to be revealed soon.

In other news, the NS2 blog reports a favourable review of the game at www.bbgsite.com

The players have promptly visited the comments section and shat all over it. C'est la vie, I guess.

I've got an awful lot of work to sort out over the next three weeks, but I'm hoping to be able to put a new issue into NationStates at some point during that time. It's been something like six months since I last contributed. And that's a tad too long.

14 March 2009

An Analysis Of NationStates Generations

An anthropologist has put NationStates under the magnifying glass in the Gameplay forum. Take a look.

Also, in the Jennifer Government forum is a thread about how Erastide took an edition of JG with her to various countries and got it signed by as many NSers as possible. I wish I'd had the chance. Ah well.

There's possibly going to be a UK NationStates meet, perhaps even two: one for the people of the north and another for the south. I strongly recommend everyone tout Edinburgh or somewhere even further north as the meet location, because I want to attend a meet for once, goddammit! Here's the thread.

Finally, did you know Max Barry has an Australian accent?!

Mind blown, guys. Like, totally.