
24 June 2005

How Now Brown Cow

Lancre's busy reassembling itself, I am pleased to say. I've ended up being UN delegate somehow, but I'm sure that'll all change soon. We've dropped from 37 nations to 17 which is sad, because I was hoping we would break the forty-nation mark (we got as far up as a tantalising thirty-nine) but obviously such dreams will have to wait. We're going to lose a few nations, I'm sure of that, but we'd probably have lost them anyway. C'est la vie, obladi oblada, life goes on (bra!) and all that. It cannot be helped.

The tasklist is still huge. Should I prod it, it wobbles dangerously, threatening to block out the immediate universe and bringing pain and death to all it consumes. But, thankfully, it IS getting smaller and that's a great relief.

Bestiville decided to create a new nation called "Determined Cows", and begin afresh so we need not worry about any more griefing. It's a wrench, but hey, it's a cool name for a nation, and if we are going to be represented by cows, I say determined ones are the way to go. Lackadaisical cows have no motivation and are terrible conversationalists.

So, we raise our glasses and give a toast to a fresh start. Fitter, leaner, and, admittedly, a little pissed off, but glad everything is over. Ish.

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