
29 June 2007

Issue #213 Is In The Game

The Caiplie Caves.

I'm quite proud of the new issue. It's a political issue of the kind I haven't been able to find in quite a long time and I had good fun editing it.

I discovered an interesting compilation of homemade NationStates maps while browsing the internet and I think it's a splendid idea after you've removed the pop-ups. I've no idea how up-to-date the site is but it's still pretty neat.

I will soon be moving to my new home in Aberdeen which is fraught by multivaried and aggravating complications so you may not hear from me for a while. That's if the letting agents don't screw us in the ears and decide to put the place back on the market after demanding paperwork from us for nearly a month. But we'll see.

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