
27 August 2006

The Spaghetti Incident

Modshort #12!

This short is based on a conversation held between the mods some time ago. Too cool to waste. Here it is, but I recommend watching the short first. Remember to watch it on fast. The lettering got buggered up for some reason but I'm sure you can live with that.

Katganistan: I'm explaining how to make spaghetti sauce in #nationstates_general
K: ;)
Sirocco: Oh dear.
S: This may be before your time, Kat, but we all remember...
K: Does this have to do with the flying spaghetti monster and his noodly appendages?
S: Yes.
K: Pray tell, I never got the full story.
Pythagosaurus: Pastafarian
S: One day the NS Generalites decided to make some spaghetti.
S: They all agreed that spaghetti be made.
S: Spaghetti, they considered, is a good thing.
S: But they could not agree HOW such a venture should be undertaken.
S: Should it be tomatoey or cheesy? Or a blend of both that is equal?
S: Should there be parmesan?
S: The debates raged for months, and many mods lost their lives trying to calm the stormy wrangling that issued forth from that most controversial of forums.
S: But then... one rogue Generalite went and made spaghetti all by himself. A dangerous thing to do. You will mind that this was before these modern ideas of 'too many cooks spoil the broth'.
S: It was disastrous.
S: The Generalite, Pastafarian, as Pythagosaurus reminded us, had created a monster.
S: It swooped down on all and sunder, strangling those in its path with its long noodlous strands of death.
K: Sounds like only one solution....
S: For a long time the forum was nothing but a dark red cave of tomato sauce, oregano and the lingering smell of parmesan which made everyone thoroughly ill.
K: eat it before it eats you!
S: That's exactly right!
S: The call went up and all Italian food aficionados were summoned to bring their forks and inauspiciously spartan white shirts.
K: hehehe
S: Many lost their lives, and the graves still cover a lot of the old General forum archives, but eventually the creature was destroyed.
K: MMMMmmmmm!
K: ;)
S: And so ended the tale of the Spaghetti Incident.
* Sirocco bows.
K: delicious.
K: :)

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