
31 August 2006

Of Old And New

In a fit of pique I searched for myself on Google and discovered this ancient thread. Reading it now is like some kind of incredible ego-booster. I'd better watch out or my head might come off and float away. Looking at other things, it's still weird to have people I've never heard of talking about issues I've edited, articles I've posted in this blog (which I can't say I ever get any evidence of having a very wide following), and decisions I've made. Only interesting to me, of course, but it does give a small window into NationStates history. If anyone knows of interesting threads and RPs from long ago then e-mail me and I'll stick 'em up.

In other news, I've just about completed the game's two hundredth issue. I want to make it a bit special though, so I've talked to Sal, and he's going to speak to the boss, about introducing something... interesting to this particular one. I hope everyone likes it. I won't know whether the snazzy thing I'm adding will be approved until later though. Keep your eyes out.

1 comment:

Dack said...

Beware, Siroc; such thoughts lead to the dark side of Mod-dom. The path of demanding fluffles to stop you DEATing, of demanding your name in every poll in General lest you start randomly deleting threads...