
05 February 2006

Six Billions

Recently, Sirocco passed the much-respected (-feared?) figure of 6000000000 citizens. They're breeding like rabbits, it's crazy. But anyway, some catch-up on the local gossip:

First of all, I'm glad to say that we (the mods) have all been contributing towards ideas for new UN proposal categories so that you can all change the world in new and wonderful ways. I've edited them down to the necessities, and so far everyone seems pretty happy with them. I just need a nod from one of the admins, and enough of their spare time for them to put 'em in. Unless we come up with more ideas or someone raises an objection. We're very democratic, and as a result we quarrel a lot, but I guess it can't be helped.

I've also had enough spare time to begin editing a new issue. Once I've edited it and the one after it we can finally go onto a new batch.

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