
19 December 2005

Lancre Cup XIII: The Final

Well, I wasn't in this one (in fact I got thrashed in the first round. Ah well.), but it was a smasher all the same. Dregruk vs Tonca, both very active and upstanding members of Lancre. I must add that Yesnono who has been busy organising and working out the worrying calculations required to make the system a just and fair one and has done a great job. No, a fantastic job is the best way to put it I think. The whole ideology of the Lancre Cup is that it's all about letting your hair down and having a really good time. There's no skill needed so who gives a toss about rules? Some of the games had three teams playing each other on the same pitch which I thought was brilliant. Yesnono embraced the humour of the whole enterprise with great enthusiasm and has given it a zest I found difficult to dispense constantly. So cheers, Yesnono! Yeh've been great!

Anyone wanting to read the progress of the Lancre Cup may do so here.

Lancre Cup XIV should begin some time in January next year. If you want to participate you're going to have to join Lancre!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Yesnono embraced the humour of the whole enterprise with great enthusiasm..."

I, however, think I embraced the humor of it.

"So cheers, Yesnono! Yeh've been great!"

Aw, shucks.