
12 December 2005

Prehistoric Mathematics

We have chosen our new admin, as some people will already know (we haven't gone out of our way to keep it secret). For those who don't, he is... drum roll please...


Yes, I know almost none of you will have heard of this guy, and yes, his name is really awkward for choosing a nickname. We'll just have to stagger onwards anyway. Even if 'Pyth' is just stupid and 'Pythag' just sounds wrong. But that's not important. What is important is that he's sacrificing a lot of his spare time to help out the game, and I'm very appreciative of that. He'll be a valuable part of the team. Unless we decide not to have him. Which could happen. You never know.

Anyway, Pythagosaurus will be working on the game, adding new features wherever appropriate, taking some of the load off [violet] and Sal's perspiring shoulders, and being subservient to my every demand should I ever wish there to be changes to issues, mwahahaha. Indeed, he's started on something already, and this is exclusive knowledge, so pay attention: he's updating the nation-search system to make it easier for people trying to find a nation that they can't quite remember the name of. Fascinatin' stuff.

One of the gameplay ideas that sprung from our sessions caught on and it might just be put into the game. I can't tell you what it is, but I can say that it involves regional politics in a fairly major way.

Congratulations, Pythagosaurus (Pythy?), I hope you have as great a time as we mods do (ironic grins all round) making NationStates a better game for all the users. Stick at it and keep up the good work!

In other news, I'm not going to do any issue editing until I've finished my Christmas shopping. Distraction is the enemy here, and there's not that much time left... I can almost hear Santa's sleigh bells ringing now...


Anonymous said...

Massive congratulations to Pyth. I hope he will do a good job.

Anonymous said...

Major changes to regional politics could be hightly entertaining. Sounds like a good choice.