First things first: I beat my personal record for a high score in Scrabble. 649 points! 649 points! It's crazy, and I had to share.
Yes, my username is Scirocco. What of it? Hmph. Moving on.
NationStates has undergone some more changes since my last post! The Commendation and Condemnation controversy has been mostly quelled (if not totally, I think) by the introduction of the Security Council. The World Assembly forum is now known as the General Assembly.
Now, when submitting a proposal you are asked which council the proposal is being submitted to (Security/General) and then asked what category (C&C/all the 'normal' categories). This has tidied up a great deal of the problems because now the WAers (or GAers now) can keep roleplaying the way they wanted to and deal with C&Cs separately. Also, GA proposals that reach quorum take priority over C&Cs so they won't have to wait several weeks/months if a particularly long string of C&C proposals achieve quorum.
All in all: very nice. With the new forum comes new ideas, particularly looking at the possibility of having other gameplay-centric resolutions. [violet]'s suggested a proposal that would allow the WA to disable a particular region's password. As you can imagine, the implications are... complex. You can read all about it here.
The very first C&C proposal to achieve quorum is a condemnation of the region of Gatesville. At the moment it looks like it might be defeated, but who knows... you can read the official thread here.
Unibot, incorrigible as always, has started a thread exploring yet more possibilities. Some interesting reading to be had there.
One interesting Technical thread I noticed is Marcuslandia's Eliminating regional passwords entirely - a simple suggestion with complicated ramifications. Be prepared for walls of text.
The issues contest is going well so far. Eight submissions have been received and a quarter of them were to my liking. That's not bad! There's also been a number of ideas for 'Issue Editor' badges in the official thread. It's going to be close-fought. Perhaps even more so than the primary contest...
I've also put in a brand new issue. Hope everyone likes it.
Finally... another awesome nacho hat! Waarg!
1 comment:
Hmmm... I'll take it. :D
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