
13 June 2009

Region Lists Tweaks

Another surprise new feature! They're just coming thick and fast aren't they? Just in case you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'll explain. For years, most likely ever since NationStates started, players have wanted to be able to rank regions by size. Well... now you can! You can also see where your region places in terms of that day's World Census ranking. It works by either summing up or taking an average of the ranks of all the region's component nations. It depends on what World Census ranking it is. The official thread is here for your reading pleasure.

While we're on the subject of improving the game, did you know we reached version 1.12 five days ago? You can read more about it on the changelog.

We've had some bad lag today, with people unable to access the site and forums at times. We're not sure what's causing it yet, but we will eventually.

UPDATE: It was the region of Texas using a script. Tsk. Details here.

There have been some more discussions on possible changes to the way regions are controlled to regulate the raiding/defending game better since I last posted. Here they are:

Bring back the competition - a novel and surprisingly simple idea for reducing raiders' capability for griefing.

The Update Time Makes Me Wanna Cry - A discussion about the time NationStates updates itself. Updates are a central part of how the raiding game works, so there's some interesting debate here.

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