
08 June 2009

Issues Contest!

I've devised a contest that all players are welcome to enter. I know there's plenty of you out there certain you could do a better job than me at editing issues into something halfway-usable so stop sending me telegrams and get out your word processor! All the rules are in the link I just gave, but if you're too lazy here's a copy:


Aspiring Writers Wanted!

We here at NationStates need YOUR help adding new, original content to the game! For many years now we've had a system whereby players write their own daily issues and submit them to the moderators. We then edit those submissions and put them into the game. Unfortunately, not many moderators have the time to do this on top of their other responsibilities and RL concerns so what we're proposing is that talented players pitch in and help us edit issue submissions. We know there's a lot of creative people in these forums, so climb out of your favourite subforum and show us what you can do!

This is going to be a contest with the potential for multiple winners (or none at all. It depends how good the entrants are).

How do I enter?

Very simply. Write a new, original daily issue according to the official guidelines and send it to sirocco@nationstates.net

Please send only one issue.

What happens then?

If you show promise, I will send you an e-mail and go over your issue, raising points, giving advice, et cetera. If I'm still unsure, I will ask you to submit a second original issue. If I approve of your second submission, then you will be taken on as an honourary issue editor. If your first submission doesn't show promise to me, then I'll send you an e-mail telling you that you have been declined.

What's in it for me?

Winners will get the one or two issues they sent put into the game. They will also receive a special 'Issue Editor' badge on their nations to show off to everyone. They'll also have the glory (infamy?) of being credited on every issue they edit. We haven't designed the badge yet (I don't even HAVE Photoshop), but maybe someone can come up with one?

If I win, what will I be expected to do exactly?

Issue editors will be sent the raw data for issue submissions by myself. You edit them and send them back to me where I'll add the code needed to change player stats and maybe a few minor tweaks if they're needed. There's no need to worry about deadlines, you're free to complete them at your own pace. Hopefully you'll find the experience and skill-developing involved its own reward.

How long do I have to submit my issue?

The competition will be ongoing until midnight on the 8th of August 2009.


I'm hoping for a good turnout with this contest, and anyone with above average English skills will be in with a chance of becoming an editor. Good luck!

In other news, we're definitely closing in on a solution for the C&C problem. Players should see some differences to the game very soon to take new ideas into account.

The forums have passed the load tests. With flying colours I might add! Here's the official news post.

And finally, in closing, the old, old region of Belgium has been invaded and is about to be destroyed by the region of Macedon. This has caused a lot of debate over whether the regional influence system is as effective against griefing as it was supposed to be. I'll write up a post looking at influence and the raider/defender game in more detail at some point in the near future. It may be time for a change.

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