
16 May 2008

Issue #222 Is In The Game

Yup, another issue has come to the end of its long and weary journey through the issues queue. This particular one was originally submitted in September 2006. So yeah, I'm a little behind. It's another nice big one, but it is rather difficult to get so if you do, count yourself fortunate.

In other news, the NS2 blog has a big fat new FAQ to read. It's very exciting. I'm particularly interested about these spies and national newspapers mentioned.

Recently I decided to send my nation around the regions for a while. My first stop was Scotland. Then I decided to visit The Featured Region Followers who all visit the region randomly generated on the world page each day to congratulate them. Why? I have absolutely no idea. Still interesting though, the reasons for nations to tie themselves to others are so varied. You can find a region covering interests, hobbies, political affilations, and hundreds of other things.

The region I'm in right now is NationStates Cook Book where players can share their favourite recipes. Isn't that great?

One last thing before I finish this post. Is it only me who finds the region of Anarchy has an incredibly ironic World Factbook Entry?


Anonymous said...

Is "fortunate" quite the word for it? :-p I got #222 with all three of my nations within days. Ah well, good to RP.


King Siroc said...

Nah, you're thinking of the terrorism issue. I'm referring to the one that comes after it...

Anonymous said...

#222 is one of the terrorism issues