
13 August 2007

Sidmouth Folk Festival

I'm sorry to say I have no photos of my time in Sidmouth to share with you as my camera is irreperably broken.

I very much enjoyed Sidmouth, the travelling less so. It took me 28 hours to get there due to awkward bus times, and by the time I managed to get some sleep I had become a living zombie, awake for 37 hours. I tried to sleep on the bus, God knows, but it was far too uncomfortable.

I don't really want to go on too much about the festival because I rather doubt anyone reading this will care much. So I'll just condense the experience into these points.

1. England is too hot. I tried my best, but my nose still got sunburned.
2. Almost everyone thought I was Irish for some reason; only two people guessed correctly my Scottish origins.
3. Horny sixteen-year-old English girls love my accent.
4. English ceilidhs are great fun. They're similar enough to Scottish ones for me to fare reasonably well but different enough to confuse the hell out of me. The first one I went to had a very slippery floor and my shoes have little grip. I spent a lot of that one on my arse.
5. The melodeon, though pleasant at first, will slowly drive the non-folkie insane over a week-and-a-half period.
6. Morris dancing is weird. Very weird.
7. I heard/saw a number of musical performances that I enjoyed muchly. Amongst them are: The Spooky Men's Chorale; Toothless Mary; and Whapweasel.
8. When camping in a hot place you ought to definitely invest in a tent with a silvery covering to reflect heat. Waking up every morning felt like being broiled.

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