Another photo of me grimacing into the camera.
I have a lot on my plate right now. I'm going to be moving back to Aberdeen in just over a week which will involve shifting all my things a hundred miles north to the new flat. I'm very excited and cannot wait to be back with all my uni buddies, with a proper housewarming. Lo, I say, there shalt be pizza and films (I'm leaning towards Monty Python and the Holy Grail but I think Ghostbusters might be a good one too). Should be fantastic.
When I came home for the summer my room was being used to store things and I thought I'd be here temporarily so I just dumped my stuff. As it happens, I've been here for a month more than planned so now I'm having to round up all the things that have got spread out, decide what I'm taking and what I'm leaving behind, and on top of that, actually FIND it all under the rubble of miscellaneous junk that was put in my room while I was away at Sidmouth. I'm not sure why they did this as they knew I was coming back. It would appear that my family can only handle the notion that I am either a) here or b) not here - oh look! STORAGE SPACE!
As a result, I'm afraid I will not be able to complete my Cyber Nations article until I'm settled in Aberdeen and also kinda depends on my having internet access in the new flat which is something I'm unsure of. The most I can promise you guys is that I will try to get a new issue out before I head back to the Deen.
Will let you know how things turn out before long, but until then I leave you with this Doctor Who strip which fans may or may not find amusing. If you haven't seen series three yet, don't click it as there are spoilers.
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