This is a photograph of the Blue Stane which lies just outside the Protestant kirk in Crail. Legend has it that the de'il himself hated the kirk so much that from the Isle of May he picked up a rock and flung it with all his might at the offending building. But in mid-flight the rock broke up and the largest piece fell short of the target. This largest piece is the Blue Stane and it is believed (or at least believed to be believed) that the hollow at the top of the stane was caused by Auld Nick's thumb which can STILL BE SEEN TO THIS VERY DAY...
So, besides the superstitions of my home village, what's up? Well, I can very honestly say that I am incredibly excited because I leave for Aberdeen and my new flat tomorrow! I'll try to update the blog as soon as I'm comfy in my new home, and still too busy to wonder about how I'm going to finance myself without interfering with my studies (ahem: I will accept PayPal at very happily. In return I can... write you a national anthem? That might not be a bad idea actually... hmm...).
Until then: ciao!