
25 April 2007

Meeting The Freethinkers

Last Saturday I had the good fortune to meet a NationStates player (The Freethinkers) for the first time. It was an unusual experience meeting someone who knew what NationStates is, let alone actually play it.

We arranged to meet at a pub called the Bobbin where we discussed NationStates, paintball, our uni subjects, being hit in the groin by paintball pellets, daily issues, concussion brought on by paintball, football, and Aberdeen University's paintball society. I did become aware of an underlying trend throughout the conversation but it was fascinating anyway.


Top: My edition of Company was sent to me by Max Barry.
Middle: The Freethinkers and myself.
Above: The Freethinkers
Below: I only just discovered this. I'm not sure exactly what it is but it's certainly, um... inspired.

Why does it have no legs?

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