
26 January 2006

Invasion Rules Revision

All the mods (and admins o' course) have started work on trying to set up a better way of managing invasions, i.e. making sure that it's the game that stops griefing and not us. So expect to see some big changes on the invading/defending/watching-the-battle-at-your borders-with-a-big-box-of-popcorn front in the future, and a totally radical new way of playing the game through such 'wars'. There'll be some substantial changes to regional management too, which should be interesting.

Nothing's been decided yet, so don't think there's been any rule changes. You can still get deleted for kicking out everyone in the region (if you're a delegate), so mind you keep on the right side of things. So far we have come up with a number of intriguing, and, haha, secret ideas which I may expand on later if we decide to go with them. I'll tell you more when I can!

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