
12 April 2009

Issue #234 Is In The Game

Attention all budding issue writers:

I am very close to finishing the most recent batch of issues. When I have completed this batch, I'll move on to the next one which will consist of all the issues written for the last year or so. If you have any issues you've been thinking about writing, I highly recommend you write them as soon as possible. If you submit it after I've moved on, you may have to wait another year before I see it.

Anyway, new issue.



Anonymous said...

I submitted an issue to NS2; could I submit it here as well?


King Siroc said...

Probably best not to. I don't know about NS2, but with NS1 we (well, Max Barry anyway) legally owns whatever issues you submit. So if you submit the same issue to two different sites and it gets accepted by both... I'm no lawyer but it could cause potential problems.

If you do want to send the same issue, rewrite it first.

Anonymous said...

...Sorry, but any idea how substantive "rewriting" entails?

King Siroc said...

Different enough not to seem like a direct copy.

The easiest way to resolve this would probably be to e-mail OMAC and ask if they'd mind you submitting your issue to NationStates 1. I can only really guess how they'd feel about it. After all, they might not even use your submission.