
26 February 2009

The Future Of NationStates

... Is looking pretty good, actually. Now that NationStates is on a new server, and NS2 is properly being looked after by OMAC, we can start developing the game a bit more again. I realise I've already linked to this thread in an earlier post, but things have got even more interesting since then. [violet] herself has chipped in a few words about what changes might be coming to NS so if you've got a suggestion, join the discussion!

Special kudos goes to Unibot for his/her interesting ideas. Regional issues make me go all gooey inside.

Also of note is the NationStates Trainers thread in International Incidents. If you're interested in roleplay but don't know where to begin, that's a damn good place to go to get some advice from our more experienced players! If you're reading this blog, you're probably not new to NS, though. Or your Google search has forsaken you. If this is the case I bid you good luck in your search for HOT LESBIAN PORN. Heh heh heh.

In other news, Jolt's taken the advertising on the forums up a notch to the point where the ads are actually within the posts. Many people have voiced their disapproval. Everyone who's upset by the new ads should realise that we don't have control over the forums, so if you wish to complain to Jolt, do so here: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=584726

NationStates 2 now has war! It's been a long time waiting for this most-coveted feature, and it's now tentatively been introduced to worlds 34, 64 and 119. Here's the official announcement.

Initial feedback for the new feature has been quite scathing, but there's optimism too. Here's a few links to threads about it:

War is a disappointment



World 64 Laws of War (there's some amazing politics-building in here, I'm impressed)

There's a lot of interesting stuff in the forums, including transcripts of the war issues in the NS2 Got Issues? forum, but you may not want to have that spoiled for you.

Speaking of issues, I've resigned my post as an NS2 issue writer, mostly because I couldn't keep up with the deadlines due to university work - however, since NS2 now has a 'submit your own issues' feature, I'm a bit of a fifth wheel there anyway, so it all works out. And not that many of my submissions have ended up being used so it's not big loss. It does mean, however, that I will be editing issues for NS1 again, not as frequently as I'd like, but there will be new ones I promise.

To conclude this post, I'll finish on some rather promising news straight from the typing fingers of [violet]. I shan't spoil it, go see yourselves: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=14551293&postcount=47

Update: Max Barry has posted to the NationStates News page affirming NS1's independence of OMAC Industries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you approve.