
21 September 2008

Be Right Back

This is going to be a short post as I have to leave very soon, but I will be back around the 29th of September. I'm going to visit my family for a few days and then I've got urgent things to deal with straight from Wednesday to Sunday so it's going to be a difficult week.

Got some good news, I have written an issue for NationStates 2 and shown it to the NS2 development team who loved it and it'll be put into the game sometime around tomorrow. The CEO of OMAC Industries asked if I could write them on a regular weekly basis. I haven't said yes or no to this yet, but if I do then you can expect to see many more NS2 issues going into NationStates 2 regularly. It does mean that I'll have very little time to do NS1 issues, but don't worry I'll do my best to do both at once! It's just going to take me longer to do NationStates 1 issues.

Finger crossed the week goes well! See you in a week.

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