
16 April 2008

World Assembly Building Two Feet To Stand Upon

Well, it's been two weeks since the fall of the UN, so how is the WA coping? Pretty well, I think. We've had two passed resolutions, and the third one looks pretty certain on passing as I write this though with strong opposition. I won't be surprised if it it gets repealed soon.

Still tidying things up a bit, we've stripped the historical resolutions of their [repeal] links which meant that venturous players were trying to repeal already defunct resolutions. We also had to strip the first WA resolution about the actual foundation of the World Assembly of its repeal link because after all the trouble we went to to put that resolution on display, we're not having it undone. Besides, we can't go back to how things used to be because of legal issues.

The only remaining issue is what to do about the new proposal category, bookkeeping. Proposals of this nature have no statistical impact, but as for what they actually cover categorically... we never quite got round to discussing that. So that's what we're talking about over in the WA forum. If you have an opinion or just want to keep up-to-date on things, swing on over. Grab a lemonade.

Finally on the subject of the World Assembly, those banned from the UN may reapply to join the WA, but any cheating will be dealt with outright deletion.

In other news, Reploid Productions has put a new issue into the game, and the mods and I are getting groovy new NationStates e-mail addresses. So if you wish to send me an e-mail about NationStates, please send it to sirocco((at))nationstates.net and I'll get back to you most timeously.

In other other news, my computer is at last repaired and returned to me. Not after some kerfuffle though. After a half-hour-long walk to and back from the computer repair shop I discovered that they'd given me someone else's laptop. By some eerie coincidence another gentleman with my surname had also required his laptop repaired at the shop. So back I went.

That's all for now. My involvement in NationStates will be a bit spotty for the next month or two because of exams but during the summer I will probably be a lot more active.

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