
09 April 2006

It Approaches

So, what's the update on these big changes that are coming? Well, first of all I can tell you that the release date has become a little uncertain. It might be tomorrow (unlikely), it might be Monday, it might be later this week. Still some revision and fine-tuning to be done. Tests to be run, smoking chemistry sets examined, server hamsters fed, code tweaked... and, well, you know. All that jazz. However, the main aim of this whole enterprise remains unchanged: we want to breathe new life into the invasion/defence game whilst remaining fair to all players. We think we're very close to that, but it would be folly to say it's perfect. We want to minimise any possible problems, and hopefully fix them later. Not that these changes will just affect that aspect of NationStates though. It's going to affect regional politics, management, and interregional politics too. Hopefully for the better, but from what I've seen I can't see how it could be considered worse.

Now I KNOW that people will not like it when it come. If there's anything to be learnt from observing people it's that they hate change, or are at least continually surprised by it. Breathe easy! It may take some time to adjust but I can guarantee you'll all be trying to squeeze every last drop out of it by the end and having great fun formulating new tactics, new procedures, new ways of diplomacy... oh yes. It's going to be a hell of an adventure.

So don't get your knickers in a twist if nothing's happened by Monday - we're working on it!

In other news, Reppy's considering doing some more Bastard Moderator From Hell stories in the near future and I've decided to refer to regions with only one nation in them as 'hermitlands' because the alternative is such a mouthful.

And as a conclusion to this article I'm going to give you a tantalising wee glimpse into one of the many things we've been doing to bring this whole 'NationStates v1.9' thingy about. It won't help at all, but I'd be fascinated by your theories as to what it could mean.

Part of the changes that I've been mostly involved in required us to look up the old forum postcount titles. Intrigued? Good! Bye bye for now!


Anonymous said...

How about strong rules against the ACCEl and none for Eurasia? The Revolutionary Committee of the Eurasian Worker's Party views these as acceptable changes to the rules.

Anonymous said...

I just hope there will still be a founder position.