
23 December 2009

Jingle Bells

Merry Christmas, everyone!

As a special Christmas treat, I've entered a new issue into the game. Enjoy! Also, if you need to contact me, send a telegram to sirocco@nationstates.net as I've been too busy to read my telegrams. Sorry about that!


Ember said...

Merry Christmas, Sirocco! Hope you have a great celebration.

The present is an extra-special one for me, as I'm apparently the writer of the new issue! Unfortunately, as detailed at http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=13&p=1185382#p1185382, I have no recollection of writing it. Would it be possible for you to send the original draft or date that I submitted the issue to graciebarn256 AT gmail DOT com so I can see how much it changed, or why I don't recognize it?

Hope you have a festive end to 2009.


https://reviewanime.site/ said...

Thanks for the content