
31 May 2007

Home Sweet Home

I have recently secured myself a house to live in for the next year of my time at university with three others and am looking for a fourth. As you can imagine this is a serious drain on my finances and I am not a wealthy individual so from now on there will be adverts on the blog. Don't worry, they're very discreet and won't affect the integrity of the blog. I don't expect to get much revenue from them but I need as much as I can get if I'm going to be able to continue my studies.

Not much news in respect to NationStates right now. As you can imagine, I've been a little too busy to look through the issue list but another mod has been and may submit some of their own when they are ready. So, until then, you can watch this crazy little trailer someone's submitted to Youtube for a film about their NationStates country. I think it's great that NationStates can inspire such creativity. Kinda scary too.

23 May 2007

More Issues On The Way

[violet] recently loaded up the latest batch of daily issue submissions so I'm pleased to announce that sometime in the near future we will have some new issues. Right now I'm in the midst of exams however so it won't be immediate.

The new issue batch runs from the 24th of February 2006 to the 23rd of May 2007. All issues submitted before then have either been deleted or coded into the game. The batch is made up of 2428 issues altogether so it'll take me a while to find the diamonds in the rough.

I hope to have more news soon.

11 May 2007

The Wishing Well

Here's a photo I took of Crail's 'wishing well'. I edited it to make it more colourful.

10 May 2007


This photo is of some trees behind my flat.

We have a new forum moderator!

Ardchoille has been helpful around the forums for a fair while now so we're very pleased to announce that she'll be doing it in official capacity now. I wish her the best of luck.

In other news, I discovered another groovy XML feed stats site called NSDossier which is pretty useful for those deprived of their pie charts and bar graphs after the demises of NSTracker and NSEconomy (which is still up but does bugger all). The site was created by the members of the Texas region so kudos goes to them. This site completely passed under my radar until recently. I'd be very grateful if readers with interesting NationStates-inspired sites would e-mail me so I can mention them here.

I have exams to do starting on the 22nd and running up to the 28th. I'm confident I'll do well, but I'll be dropping English next year to take Music as my sole subject of study.

03 May 2007

You Know You're An Old-Time NSer When...

This is a photo I took of the New King's Hall of Aberdeen University. I've become quite fond of the photo editor as you can tell.

I was browsing the forums today and noticed this thread:

You Know You're An Old-Time NSer When...

Pretty cool for any indulgent nostalgiacs out there.