
05 August 2005

Getting There

At the time of writing, I am up to issue #63 in my editing campaign. The slow progress is partly due to the complexity of the new code, but it's also due to the fact that I keep on finding other things needing changed in the issues. The occasional typo. A missing comma. Sometimes I find some faulty code which needs corrected, like when I discovered that nations that had banned computers could still be attacked by sentient computer viruses. Now, I'm no expert, but I'm fairly sure that no artificial intelligence would be THAT good.

But anyway, things are going smoothly. If I know Reppy like I think I know her, then she's busy polishing up a lot of issues ready for putting in the game as soon as I've given the all-clear and we'll have plenty of new ones to keep you interested.

Ain't that nice?

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