
29 March 2008

NationStates Moves

This post is a bit late, I know, but since the laptop on which I would usually record my thoughts is currently in bits and pieces at a local repair shop I've been a little out of touch.

So, what's new? A lot as it happens, NationStates has been upgraded, it has reached v1.11! We now have spiffy wee flags, national happenings to complement regional happenings, a 'reports' section for even more rigorous espionage of nations needing watched, and no separate frame for the sidebar. There are RSS subscriptions and players can now resurrect their dead nations should they want to taking a small burden off the mods' shoulders and speeding up the system nicely.

NationStates' move is just about complete by now I should think and now it's just a matter of soothing out the glitches and bugs caused by it. To join the discussion, check out this thread about the upgrade: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=552128

08 March 2008

Issue #219 Is In The Game

We have a new issue!

Otherwise, not much happening, at least that I can relay here, so I'll just finish by saying that I am a happy, happy man. My girlfriend moved in and all the possible financial hardships that could have come with it have been resolved. The future is looking good.

That is all.