
10 January 2007

Of Octopuses And Death

I am back in Aberdeen where life continues to continue in a most continuous fashion. I'm enjoying it here but there's not that much to say except that we wandered into one of the lecture thatres at night and I rigged up the projector so we could watch a film called Octopus on the big screen. It was awesome. Octopus is quite possibly one of the most awful films I have ever watched and it was quite simply hilarious to sit through. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves bad movies.

You may have noticed I changed my blog's format. I reckon this one's easier on the eyes. Enjoy!

NationStates-wise there are two things of interest: there is a new issue, and my nation Sirocco gave up the ghost just as its population reached eight billion. That's pretty cool I think. I s'pose I'll miss it. It was nearly going to be four years old, but ach well.

My access is going to be difficult right now. Much work and exams! Joy! See you in a bit.

Oh, and I'm nineteen now. It's fairly groovy.

01 January 2007

Hello, 2007

Happy new year, everyone! Not much is going on NationStates-wise as far as I'm aware except that there's a new issue which raises the grand total to 201. I shall be nineteen years old in three days and heading back to Aberdeen on the sixth.

New issues are being processed.