
26 November 2006

Murder On the NationStates Express

Modshort #13

A new Modshort! This time starring Tsaraine. Enjoy!

Also, while I'm typing away I might as well relate one side of a telephone conversation from my university life to illustrate why you should never let one of your flatmates get to said phone before you when you know your mother is about to call:

"Hello, this is the foot fetish line, would you like me to suck your feet or lick your toes?"

My mum thought she'd got the wrong number, bless her.

09 November 2006


After a long time considering things, I have decided it is time for me to retire from my post as moderator of NationStates, to stop playing altogether and let Sirocco go to the great region in the sky. It's been a wonderful three years, and I don't regret a bit of it, but the gaps that were filled by NationStates have now been filled by other things. I'd like to thank Max and the mods for all the things they've made possible for me during my time supporting the site. I'm satisfied that I've helped the game develop: I created code that allows nations to measure their unemployment rates and I helped get the site up to two hundred issues when there was once only thirty-one. I think that's pretty cool. Shame I can't put it on my CV.

I'll still be happy to help those wanting advice on writing issues, but I will no longer be helping with moderation requests. My e-mail address will remain the same.

It may be the end of my time as a NationStater but it needn't be the end of this blog. I think I might update it occasionally... write more Modshorts... whatever springs to mind.

Oh, and NationStates will be an incredible four years old on the twelfth of November. Just thought I'd mention that.