
25 April 2005

Time Shortage

Being an NS mod is stressful. Any of us could tell you that. But recently it's got even more so - we're verging on about 100 new requests for help from players each day and it is grueling in the extreme. Right now we've got a fair number of the mods who are either working their boots off in real life or are studying for exams or are taking exams or are on holiday etc. etc. and so the few remaining have to take over! I'm one of them and it's eating up my issue-editing time faster than it takes for a new religious-themed thread to appear in the General forum.

But never fear! We'll manage, and I will get a new issue up within the next week or so. It's just going to require a lot more hard work and patience.

(and before you ask, no I'm not going to say what the issue's about!)

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